What is the Practice Area in an efficient Law Firm? - Best Legal firm in Kolkata | Top Lawyers in Kolkata

What is the Practice Area in an efficient Law Firm?


  1. Corporate & Commercial


Many of us believe that corporate and commercial law is the same, but in reality, they differ greatly. Corporate law is intended to preserve corporate and commercial activities. Commercial law is merely one of several acts that make up corporation law.

Commercial Law is based on the Companies Act of 2013, and it consists of the rules, regulations, statements, and newsletters of the company.

Corporate law rules commercial law and every law that is applicable for corporate such as the security act, FEMA (Foreign Exchange and Management Act), some Indian contracts, Sales and good Act, etc.


Advocate B Pramanik & Associates ย practices both corporate and commercial law. We use our expertise to offer all legal services relating to corporate and commercial law that are practically possible.


  1. Family & Divorce Matters


Divorce and families Matters are a big topic in today’s world. Family matters involve sexual harassment of women, abandon children, and abandon parents, whereas divorce matters entail the separation of marital couples.


B Pramanik & Associates is the ideal choice to handle all family law and divorce cases. Our knowledgeable attorney will help prove your case.

Family and divorce issues are particularly delicate, and we handle them with greater decency and sympathy while maintaining the case’s confidentiality per the client’s request.

If you are looking a law firm for your family and divorce matters connect with B Pramanik & Associates one of the best law and solicitor firm in Kolkata.


  1. Criminal Suits & Bail Bond


Criminal Suit & Bail bonds are agreements that set an offender free in exchange for payment of a certain sum if the offense was not particularly severe. Every aspect of the case and the accused are detailed in the bail bond, which also makes clear that the accuser will appear in court as needed.


B Pramanik & Associates has expertise in criminal Suits & Bail Bond cases. The company is aware of all laws and guidelines pertaining to criminal cases and bail bonds, whether they are connected to the supreme court, the high court, or another court.


  1. Property Disputes


Property conflicts arise when buyers are not fully informed of the procedures and conditions relating to the property and lack the necessary papers or terms pertaining to the property. Real estate and property issues can also occur when the parties involved cannot agree on their respective decisions with regard to the land, size, building, and material.

B Pramanik & Associates handles all property dispute issues. Our firm is well versed in issues related to property disputes that can come up. Before reaching a decision, we gather data and evidence from both parties and conduct research and analysis based on our prior knowledge.

If you are looking a law firm for your Propertyย  Dispute matters connect with B Pramanik & Associates one of the best law and solicitor firm in Kolkata.



  1. GST & Income Tax matters


Income tax and GST are contributions to the nation, region, and society if it is honestly paid.

GST is an indirect tax whereas Income Tax is a direct tax. GST has been divided as a Central GST, State GST, Union territory GST and Integrated GST and Income Tax is being taken by your salary income, Pension Income, Rented Income, Business, and professional income, etc.

B. Pramanik Association provides all services related to GST & Income Tax issues. Here, we assist you with any issues relating to income tax and GST law.

If you are looking a law firm for your GST & taxation matters connect with B. Pramanik & Associates one of the best law and solicitor firm in Kolkata.



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